Outlier Detection

Looking for extreme observations in your data? A + Ω will spot them for you.

What problem does it solve?

This Recipe can detect rare items in a given dataset. An outlier may be defined as a piece of data that deviates significantly from the majority of the dataset and which may raise suspicions.

Who is it for?

-Analysts -Researchers
-Social Scientists / Sociologists
-Anthropologists -Journalists
-Politicians -Political scientists
-Political analysts -Business owners
-Physical therapists

What kind of data do you need to upload?

You need to upload an excel or csv file with numeric or / and categorical data (those that can be divided into specific groups, such as race, country, color, type of food, variety, sport, etc).

Meet the author

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Alpha + Omega Team


Alpha + Omega team includes Data Scientists, Software Engineers, Journalists and Data geeks! We strive to create a unified platform that everyone can use with a little effort, in order to create awesome data projects! Read more here.

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A + Ω platform gave me the opportunity to sell and market my analysis. It took only a few hours for the team to integrate my code and start promoting my recipe.

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Elena Chatziapostolou
Data Scientist

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A + Ω was made possible with the financial support of the Google DNI Fund www.digitalnewsinitiative.com