
Ready-made free analysis

Use one of the following analysis, created by our professionals. These are automated and don’t require interaction with a professional.

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In a nutshell
With Αlpha + Omega, you: a) Upload your data b) Select a recipe from the list below and follow its instructions


Upload data and specify what you want to predict. A + Ω will try to identify patterns. Ask A + Ω questions and it will respond back with it’s predictions!

By Alpha + Omega Team


Explore if A relates to B. For example, height and weight are related; taller people tend to be heavier than shorter people. Upload your data and A + Ω will find these for you.

By Alpha + Omega Team

Outlier Detection

Looking for extreme observations in your data? A + Ω will spot them for you.

By Alpha + Omega Team

Fraud Detection for Political Science

Detect fraud patterns on election datasets

By Elena Chatziapostolou

A + Ω was made possible with the financial support of the Google DNI Fund