
Explore if A relates to B. For example, height and weight are related; taller people tend to be heavier than shorter people. Upload your data and A + Ω will find these for you.

What problem does it solve?

This Recipe can give you information about possible correlations between columns in your dataset and how those data are correlated: Do some numbers increase while others decrease? Are certain data proportional to others? Is there direct, neutral or inverse correlation between items in your dataset?

Who is it for?

-Analysts -Researchers
-Social Scientists / Sociologists
-Anthropologists -Journalists
-Politicians -Political scientists
-Political analysts -Business owners
-Physical therapists

What kind of data do you need to upload?

You need to upload an excel or csv file with numeric or / and categorical data (those that can be divided into specific groups, such as race, country, color, type of food, variety, sport, etc). Click here to see an example.

Meet the author

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Alpha + Omega Team


Alpha + Omega team includes Data Scientists, Software Engineers, Journalists and Data geeks! We strive to create a unified platform that everyone can use with a little effort, in order to create awesome data projects! Read more here.

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A + Ω platform gave me the opportunity to sell and market my analysis. It took only a few hours for the team to integrate my code and start promoting my recipe.

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Elena Chatziapostolou
Data Scientist

Are you a data scientist / statistician / algorithm enthusiast?

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  • 2. Increase your customer base
  • 3. Integrate and sell your analysis methods via our platform

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A + Ω was made possible with the financial support of the Google DNI Fund